Navigating Hybrid Work and Payroll: Insights and Strategies
Now we have to establish nexus. Now we have to pay another state for their income taxes and all these things. So that drives up, and he used to say, can we not find talent here
Welcome back, folks. This is episode 143. We're going to talk about hybrid work models because it's my favorite subject and how that impacts payroll. I'm always on the controversy with hybrid versus non hybrid and everybody's forcing everybody back to work right now.
Before we get into the main topic, how you doing today, sir?Doing well, man. It's another day. January's almost done. TimeOh my goodness I'm already talking about next payrolls in February people sending stuff I'm like, yeah next pair of February like wow. Valentine's Day coming up,We'reeverything isover again, man.yeah, it moves so quick man. I think that's why you just gotta do the whole New Year, this is why, one of the reasons why I don't like New Year New Me, because just change when you're ready to change.
Time is gonna fly by if you don't hit it now, what are you gonna wait til next year to start over again? No! Wait til next Tuesday.I know I agree with you in a lot of ways with that and a person needs to do for them in order to make that change, if it's the new year, new me thing until it finally sticks, so be it. But you're right, because look, change is hard, right?yes.Because I can start working out today and I'll be, and I'll work out for two and a half weeks and then that third week comes and I'm just like,I don't, you know what I'm saying?
And that's the test of time. Like how committed are you going to be? What's that saying? Like it takes 21 days.That'sawhat I was just gonna say. How many days? Yup, because you say that a lot to us and, it's sticking, right? It sticks with me and, to build that habit. There's another one I'm out there like how to be like so many hours to become an expert at something, look, and that's why I like, Walt had proposed this fitness challenge that we're doing, it's just a better, better us every day but anywho, Walt proposed this financial fitness challenge for a show topic, and I said, how about let's make it a segment, and we talk about it every show, we show our progress, we see how we're going and he agreed, and boom, we're doing it.
So We're introducing it on this show as well. We'll still keep pay news in the mix and stuff. And, we're writing, this moment, we're going to talk we're introducing this a fun way to boost your savings. We're going to participate in a savings challenge over forever.
If, I mean, if it's all right with you,Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I totally agree with you. And look at some of the ways that we're already implementing that. I'm going to just go get right into ityeah go for it. Yeah. So yeah.a creative, right? And so lots of times I make different beats on garage band and music and different thingsMusic got a, Walt got a SoundCloud, guys, go check out his SoundCloud, called BlackRock, no.Black rock. Oh, that's something else. But no like I I decided, you know what? Why not just build my savings through using the creative gifts that I have and just starting a side hustle with that, you know what I'm saying? Like lots of people may think this is a side hustle. No, this is like our thing
what I'm saying?yeah.Like me selling my music online, it might be a way to boost some savings and get some residual income or passive income in. And, I like doing it. So what about you? What are you doing, Brian?I'm investing. I'm gonna take a few bucks every time I get paid, and, Put it into Robinhood. I had done Robinhood before and the, it could be other apps, folks. There's a bunch of them now that are fine, I don't think any, I don't think they're any different, or each other, look out for fees and how they charge you.
I think that's the biggest difference. But I'm gonna use, yeah, I'm gonna take a few bucks every time I get paid and every time, when I have some money and, man, I saw a guy, did you send me the link? Yeah, you sent it, you sent somebody took their Starbucks money. Every instead of invest, instead of buying Starbucks, investing in Starbucks stock.
And it kind of showed you, I don't know if it's true or not, but it's definitely the concept is right, like how much his money went up because he was investing in stock and not buying Starbucks. I was just telling my mom today about, we were like, we were doing the math, talking about savings on coffee, right?
We're already do that. Like in that speak, that was a result of this type of challenge that we're doing. So part of the challenge, we're going to look back at our spending and say, okay, how can we save for money that we were already spending? And then we'll add it on to that and say how can we start another side hustle?
Cause yeah, this is it's a side hustle, but it's kind of just an extension of our job. We're just talking, work and I'm helping folks out in the meantime.Yep,And it's so yeah, so anyway, we were doing math and whatnot and I did the math for her like, what, like five bucks a day on coffee.
Let's say you buy, people buy two cups and it was like a few thousand dollars a year in coffee and boom, wait, what if you add lunch? What if they add, she's wait, if you add, what if you bought lunch every day? I was like, oh, you're up to 10 grand a year. If you bought Two Starbuck coffees and by lunch every day, not even every day.
I did five days a week, weekdays. It's 10, 000 a year.You, you remember that? Yeah. That's, that goes back into that episode that we did a long time ago for IAYP when we talked about how people spend, how much they spend perYes.especially when they have to travel for workthat's right.and stuff like that. And it
Around that same amount, remember?Yes,factors factored into it, and we were just like, man, $10,000 and up.easy. Yeahto, yeah.Easy. And forget about it, if you have to board your pet every day, pffft,Oh my god. the thousands just for that, daycare for children. Not that's an option, but, it brings up that whole oh parent, my anywho. But anyway, folks,day.if you could if you some people can, But anywho, back to the financial challenge, that's what we're doing, we're going to report on our progress every week, and this week so far, I've already saved in Doordash, because I had a subscription to Doordash,Nice.use it anymore, right?
Because what, I just, there was a moment where I was using it and then, I don't know, just fell off, stopped using it. I saw my subscription hit, like I was looking back at my expenses starting to look back on it, and I was like, wait a minute, I don't even use DoorDash like that anymore.
And what I've done at home is, When we want to eat out, I'll go get it. I'll call it in. Old school. I'll call it in and go get it. If you save so much money, yes, it's convenient, but you're paying for that convenience.
I like what you said about Uber Eats, how you find like the deals and the buy one, get one, and thenone.extend your meals and whatnot, and now you got lunch or dinner for the next day.
That's the type of things we're talking about and we're challenging ourselves to do. Because we do want it. We want to level up. We want to take more and invest into building this business, building new businesses. That's just who we are, right? You could do it to get a vacation or whatever you're saving for, some folks are not everybody's rich, clearly. Most what is it, like 70 to 80 percent of Americans, us, live paycheck to paycheck. The Trump can't the Trump what do they call it when he's in office? The TrumpAdministration.Administration and his time there. That's the word I'm trying to look for that word, but I can't think of it.
But anyway, the Trump administration promises to, kind of boost the economy and and stocks are gonna go up. Hey, let's take advantage of that. You know what I mean? Little by little, let's all take advantage. If you're living paycheck to paycheck, these are little things that we could help with.
If you're a payroll professional, it's no different, right? That's one of the things that, we're taking from the other show and just kind of bringing it over here because we talk about paycheck there and it still applies to us as payroll pros. Yeah oh, and the other thing is For our business, for the AI, because Walter and I are trying out all the AI.
We're like, all the AI, we're trying it all out. But as we talk about new things, and as the AI develops, we see some stuff that we're already using has new features. And we can leverage that and then trash, not trash, but not subscribe to the other ones that we, so we're saving there and we're saving with DoorDash.
Personally, DoorDash, business wise, we're saving with AI. We're making those choices and little things like that, likeYeah. Cause look, we tried in video some of you out there may know some of that to create different content and everything. We tried that. And that was like 20, 30 bucks a month. I signed up for that. And then I think we have some other different AI tools and stuff that we were just like, oh man, like maybevideo,this right now.No, that's a good point. Let's call it out because folks need tools, right? We use Video AI, which is now Kuso. ai.
That for our clips of all the those of you who see our clips out there Oh, yeah, these guys always posting clips. Yes, because we use AI to help andnow.oh my gosh, generating great videos and now we could do commercials probably without keep like having to hire actors like, you know I'm just like It's just changing the game for content creators and folks like us that are doing it bootstrap and, shout out to Timetrack Go who helps us produce and do these things as one of our sponsors.
Shout out to Bamboo HR, who's coming on as a new a new partner in, in our work defined network. So All these things, man, but again, we're bootstrapping things. We need to be lean, mean, and watch the cash register.And look, we challenge you, some of you that are listening, right? Some inventory andYeah.where you can save and personally. And if you're. In charge of the cash register, as Brian was your job, you can save it in a different way at your job too. Yeah.Oh, if you as a payroll person, and as we segue into payroll, that's something new that I've kind of take, how can I say? We've always done it, right? We as payroll pros save our company's money, but we don't quantify it. I did an exercise over the holiday break to say how much have I saved companies over the years, different companies doing different projects.
Bro, I got into the millions just in things. Yep. Now I don't get paid for that. Like they, Oh, Brian, actually, you know what? I did have a boss that did reward me for helping to safeguard and save money. So I did get paid for it and I didn't expect it. That's one of the concepts that we're talking about recently too.
Personally with my mom, I was like, when you do things for folks, you can't do it expecting something back, right? Doing a good job at work, you shouldn't do it like, oh, I'm gonna get above and beyond. No, you do a good job at work to get your pay, and being a mi be I don't know how to Motivate folks to do more, to go above and beyond, for no promise of no money.But you're going to get rewarded somehow, whether it be that the fact that you realize, wait a minute, I can go and build something on the side because I do this now and I'm great. Believe me, people, you do great for your job. Somebody's going to be watching and guess what? If they don't go find a job that will.
Go find a job that believes in meritocracy. Meritocracy, a new word I learned. It's just basically incentivizing, right? Go get a job that rewards you in some way for being great,no that's a good point, man. And look,That's how I'm talking to death.No.
Before we get into the main topic, which is hybrid work models and payroll adjustments for those, let's pay thePay the bills. Pay the bills. Shout out to Time Track Gold.Yeah, shout out. So as we're setting ambitious goals for 2025, we want to remember that a well organized team is the foundation for success.
So in 2025, streamline your business operations with TimeTrack Go. They have a user-friendly time tracking software that empowers you to get organized and look in payroll and hr. That is important for us to stayTake care.right?Oh yeah,say goodbye to those messy spreadsheets and inaccurate time entries, effortlessly.
Track employee hours with their user-friendly time clock. Streamline those time off requests and approvals with their intuitive system. And then you can automate vacation and sick leave policies as well.Awesome. Ready to make your 2025 your most productive year yet? Cause we are, you see, we're amped, we're excited about these new things we're doing for the new year. Sign up for a fee trial, no, a free trial, not a fee. A free trial at Timetrack Go today. And experience the difference, and in just minutes, you can increase your productivity, reduce payroll errors, Naming a game for us, improving employee satisfaction and more time to focus on what matters for you, whether it be being able to not work overtime days and justlike we were justSavings, taking a normal lunch break, because I know payroll folks we have to work extended days, we gotta work through lunch, we gotta eat at our desk.
Look, if you don't have a good time track system, get it, talk to our people over at TimeTrackGo, and they'll get you right. They have great customer service. There's this guy named Brian Nan, no joke, it's another Brian. And he's real good too, and he's behind the scenes.Yeah.Don't let time tracking bog you down and become a burden.
Let time track go simplify your life and help you achieve your goals in 2025. And visit Timetrackgo. com. That is W T I M E T R A K G O. com. One more time, it's W, cause I feel like I can't spell right sometimes. T I M E T R A K G O. com. Let's go!Let's go.
All right. So let's get into it, man. We're talking about hybrid work models. payroll adjustments.Yes. And what I just thought, it just hit me, I got moved to share this while we were talking through things, right? One of the things that I'm being, I'm trying to be real intentional about is staying organized. while processing,Yes.we're processing payroll, stay in order. The way you save your files, the way you label your files, the way, the steps that you take to get things done, the SOPs that you build, the checklists that you build the communications, the thing, however, the tool, all those little things that help you get there.
I'm starting to build things in preparation for audits that come because the auditors are coming and they're like, wait, we want this and that and a third dang wait a minute, that could, I need to save it like this so that when auditors come, boom, you're just shuffling out, you're not having to dig through, right?
I know, look, I know you got something to say, I know, right?No, it's so important, right? And it's something that, even in 2025, that I want to do now with my current team, because you and I worked at this place that I'm currently at now, and we know that there's so many different folders forYes.things.It's everywhere. Don't, all everywhere. It's everywhere.So we have to, and look, this happens, right?
And it happens when you're in the middle of things. You have so many hands in the pot, so many chefs in the kitchen, and you're saving things here, saving things there. So one of the things that my team and I are going to work on after our implementation is done is to get more organized.Yes.different things, to like you were saying, label it correctly, do.
We save a lot of things on an encrypted share file, right?Yes.just because it's saved in that encrypted share fileYou got a million folders, right?You know what I'm saying?That's my point. You get too many folders. Oh no, it's saved. It's saved. It's there. It's there. It's like how same thing in your home, right? You may have your garages. You may know where everything is, but ain't nothing organized. It's a mess. That's a mess.
It's the same way we'll treat our folders digitally and things like that. Just once, right?that's a good call out because you can have a folder that says reporting,Oh, gosh.folder that says audits, and you have another folder that says results and stuff like that, and you can just, combine that or consolidate that and just organize it and make it a lot nicer.I used to, I'll tell you my little bad habit before I get into my talking points. My, my bad habit was, I would do just that. I would dump it all into one folder and be like, no, I have it. I'm good.
Man, when you gotta go find stuff and you don't have it separated properly and then, man, it's a mess. So that's what I'm being really more intentional about is like how it's not about the goal.
It's how you get there, right? It's not only the fact that you nailed your payroll and you got a good payroll. It's how you got there because people are gonna want backup. They're going to need to see different things.We should do an episode on that, practices to get organizedOoh, I feel like Fran, remember Franzioli? I feel like Fran is good with organizing because when she nailed it with all her audits and things, maybe we could have her back on to help us with that one.
But yeah, let's do's get into it. So we're talking about hybrid, we ripped from the headlines type of thing, cause it's
Government just forced people back into the office now, but. What's another com oh, Spotify. Spotify kind of flies in the face of that and says Our employees aren't children, right?
We, they can work from home and look at the end of the day, some companies can do that, some companies can't, some companies don't want to. It's, and it comes down to different things, ideologies how do you build a team if it's remote and, how do you have a good ideas and look to each his own, right?
But to the companies that do have. Remote or hybrid. I think these are the, some of the challenges as payroll people that we have to be mindful of for working as we work at those companies is time tracking and overtime for hourly employees. Okay, how do they time track? Are they being honest? How do you hold them accountable?
What's up?can I come make a call outYeah, of course.If you track your salaried hours too, even though you technically probably don't have to, but that might be an issue too,Oh, heck yeah. That brings up a whole nother bag of worms things. If you're tracking salaried folks, that is not that may be good for the salaried people, but not good for the company. Yeah. For real, so be careful with that. If you're part of companies that do that, be careful. And in retail, a lot of companies do it for labor, because they want to see how to apply labor.
If you have retail locations or, things like that, you want to really track labor. What's up?I work for places that, we're in different industries and they tracked it because they wanted to keep people honestYeahfound that people were still in time too. soand that's gonna show. I think, look, I think if your managers aren't, kind of has a good grasp of their teams, that's, you're gonna be able to weed out the bad apples, right?nice.But I think that as for, so as far as payroll, time tracking might be a challenge. Overtime, you don't want look, you can't have overloaded overtime because it's so easy to work a lot from home and if you're hourly, it's oh, no, yeah, I'm working overtime no, but you can't, you got a budget if you have to work overtime so much, it's a different problem at hand and it's a labor issue there and you got to talk about it a different way.
One of the things for salary folks, tracking or not, is the. Danger of burnout, right? If you're a salaried employee and, and that, that has, that's a statistic that they always report on. People who work from home a lot, they tend to burn out because they just feel like they have to work more.
Even the PTO has gone down for people who work remotely because they feel like, oh, I can't take time or, so just kind of watch out for that. If you are tracking salary folk, be careful with that as well. Make sure you're documenting why you're doing it. And then another call off of payroll folks is compliance.It's okay, if you do have a remote workforce multi states, is it there, but where are you taxing them? Is it, business nexus on the home office or is it a nexus in that state? So you have to look at the compliance of how that plays out and how they're getting taxed registering in those States.
Ooh, and this was before, this was when I was at Columbia in New York. Was it Columbia? Yeah, Columbia, New York, before even remote came a thing. They love to hire professors all over the world and or over the country. And our controller was very mindful of the financial impact that this caused because you can't just hire someone if we're not in that state.
Now we have to establish nexus. Now we have to pay another state for their income taxes and all these things. So that drives up, and he used to say, can we not find talent here in, in America? And this was in New York, at Columbia. Can we not find the talent we need here? Do we have to go in the other state?
The answer may have been yes, but he at least posed that, he created the friction enough to just,
yo, you are hilarious.Okay before I pass it off to Walt, minimum wage is also something, because If you're in one state and your employee's in another state, oh gosh, what if you hire somebody in California and you are in a state that can default to minimum wage of 7. 25 and you're in California and they're at 18.
25. You know what I'm saying? Now that's their minimum wage because they live in Santa Bonita and you're like, what? Holy moly, California, by the way, payroll folks, is by city by county, so you have to break it down. It's not just the state minimum wage, you gotta go county by county, city by city and compare off what's more beneficial for the employee, and that's what you default to.
Be careful with that part. And then the last part for me is, Technology support. I mean, I feel like companies who are remote or hybrid have solved for that because post pandemic, but Hey, maybe you're a new company thinking, you know what, your lease is up. I'm going to send some folks home. I'm going to get a smaller footprint because that's me and Walt's like feeling on it, like when we get to the point where we're on our own, building our own business and company or can, or on our own basically.And we're building a team. We want to be a hundred percent remote. And use those savings to kind of get us together once a quarter at a fun place all over the world, right? New places every time. Like that for me is way better than a fancy office high in the sky. You know what I mean? But it's again, it's all preference.
It's all please folks, we're not intending to disrespect anybody. It's just you do you, you're a business owner, you get to make that call. But. You have to think about the technology you have. If you want to go hybrid, I mean, yeah, hybrid or remote, you everything has to be in the cloud, and it has to be secure.
You we're payroll people, so it has to be encrypted secure in the cloud. Yeah, that's what I got. What you got, man?Brian stole some of my stuff.I know, I'm sorry, but you had a lot, so I figured you would still find plenty.I got a few things and I just have some some stats here as well to go over andI saw that, see?and look definitely the key thing is that these hybrid as hybrid models become more widespread the way we handle payroll needs to evolve, right? It needs to change and we need to, adjust different things that we're doing, right?
So number one, going to talk about the rise of hybrid models, right? So to hybrid is a new way of working, right? So there was a Gallup survey out there that said 54 percent of U. S. workers reported that they would prefer to work hybrid or remote.Absolutely.a stark increase from the pre pandemic times, right? right?Yes.lot of employees with the hybrid model, they want to split that time between the office and remote work because they built their life around that.Yes.around
To go drop off the kids on this day or pick up the kids on that day.
And, whatever their setup is in life, they built their life around that. And they want their job to be built into that too. Solet me I'm sorry, let me cut you off and ask you a question. You're 100 percent remote.
Think I am a loner anyway,you thrive. You II'mactually know the answer to it because I know you thrive in it, but
The folks.yeah. I'm okay. I do want to meet a lot of people that I work with, and I haven't met them yet, andOkay.reach out to some of them that are in Georgia. INice.that I had, but I got sickOh,able to go.Next time. Next time? Yeah.One of my employees, I haven't met her yet.Oh, dang. Oh, yay. West Coast,years. Yeah, it's beenwest side. I don't know how to do it. Yeah,the whole thing. So II know. I don't throw West side. I'm just trying to do West side.Yeah, that part I definitely want to connect because I have that closest with my employee and everything. And it's been three years and she's kind of my right hand.
And it's just a shame I haven't been able to meet her yet.Yeah, no, yeah. No doubt.Yeah,being, Yeah. Gotcha. Okay. Sorry to cut you off. I was just curious. Your personal,you're good. One of the other key considerations when it comes to location based compensation is that a lot of companies are revisiting how they structure salaries, right? Because they're now basing it on the location of employees. If company may be in New York,
Have a higher pay, but I live in Utah, or some place like that, or Wyoming or something, and they may base my salary based on where I live.Yep. Cost of living where you are.Yeah, it said that, there's a survey out there from Mercer in 2023, it said that almost 60 percent of companies are making that adjustment based on location.Wow.Again it's just how companies are adjusting to this stuff. You know what I'm saying?And payroll folks gotta be, they're one, one, first of all, they're part of that helping to either give the data, adjusting the salaries, reporting back, helping out with the processing, helping out with the, the whole, that switch over, and probably getting beat up, it ain't payroll's fault don't blame your payroll manager or your payroll professional, because that we're not making that decision, That's leadership. We just have, we're soldiers in all this and carry out orders, really.yeah. And so that leads to the next way, next thing here perfect segue into it is about, about tracking and paying those remote workers similar to what you were talking about. And the payroll needs systems that are going to accommodate for remote work or hybrid work. And which. Accurately tracking those hours, whether they're in the office or at home, right? And there was an ADP report that that revealed that 51 percent of employers Believe that tracking remote employee hours is one of the biggest challenges they faced when transitioning to those hybrid modelsBut you know, but see, glad you said that. That's exactly what I wanted to zero in on. Transitioning to a hybrid model. If you already know, if your employee, and if they're hourly it's, I mean, the salary is less to worry about because your salary, but if you're hourly and you're going from in office to hybrid Their managers should just and payroll will help with this, right?
Giving those given hours worked over the look back at the last year. What are they averaging every payroll? If they already had a lot of overtime, then you probably can expect the same trends. Now, if you start trending up as they're go home or hybrid, then you know something's off, right?that's something to look at and in my mind I was just thinking about this when you were talking What if you notice that when they're at home they? Usually if it's not really overtime, but they get their eight hours When I'm working at home, it could be vice versa, right? But when they're in the office, may clock in a little late.
They may clock out a little early.
And that may be a difference that you're seeing. That could be one of the different metrics that you measure as a company to say okay, what's the difference between their hours when they're at home versus when they're in office? Are they the same? Like you were saying are they more egregious when they're at home or
Whatever it is.
And so
Why I think a lot of companies have challenges. It's just okay, hey, when you're at home your laptop, it seems to be dormant, whatever,We don't see any activity from 12 to 2.And so look, that goes on to my next one is about navigating compliance, like you mentioned, but about the meal breaks. So if you have an employee that lives in California, even though they work for a company in Texas, you have to abide by those meal break laws because that employee sits in California.Oh damn,Yeah.even think about that.Yeah. Yeah.Wait, but it is, oh, I didn't even think about that. That's a good one.
A good one. Nevada, I just learned Nevada's overtime law, they have a daily one, they have a daily overtime for folks who make under a certain a dollar amount. And they have a within 24 hour one, if you work in two shifts within 24 hour one, again, it only applies to folks run working under a certain dollar amount.
So I like that because it's hey, look, we can't give you more money, but we're going to look out for you real good. Again, payroll folks, if you're in Nevada, I hope you know that I'm new into Nevada, so it wasn't like I was doing it wrong, and it just, I just kind of learned the, as I stepped into a new role, and I learned it, and I was like, ooh, wow, this is great, and I love learning new things, and it's just so exciting for payroll, because we can, there's so much for us to learn, anywho, yeah, that, that's a great call out.and then another stat here, mind you, this is from 2022. So this percentage may have changed and may have gone up or down,Okay.put out a global workforce survey and it said about 60 percent of employees said that employers, our companies are still working to standardize and streamline their payroll processes across different locations to ensure compliance because imagine we're talking about US payroll. haven't even really touched on the global aspect.
Have my company is in England or the UK, but I sit in Paris or the Netherlands or some, somewhere different,
How does that work over there? And next thing is equity and fairness in hybrid models. A major challenge could be ensuring that there's equity and compensation across both in office and remote workers, right? There's an increasing demand for fair treatment regarding pay. benefits and opportunities for career advancement. There was a 2023 work human report that revealed that 61 percent of employees believe that pay equity is an important issue when it comes to hybrid work and that the disparities in pay due to location or work mode, which is the remote R versus in office can erode trust in an organization.That's a good one. I didn't think of it. I mean, I think the easy thing is just regardless of what they are you, I guess it's not that easy, but remote or not, somebody doing the job and the place, it should be based on where you live. I don't So maybe somebody, maybe some of those employees that took part of that report. May have worked for somebody who was, a stickler for wanting people to come back in office, return to office,
RTO. And they were like harder on the people that were in a hybrid model versus the people that came into the office every day. And I'm sure there's been, it might be limited to some certain people. I'm not saying that everybody's doing that or it's widespreadyeah, no, I get it.of something that somebody experienced based on this report.Yeah. HeckAnd then the last thing is something that you talked about too is about technology leveraging that for payroll adjustments and how we should use cloud based payroll platforms for the time tracking AI power solutions and helping payroll pros streamline payroll, right?
And ensure that Everyone's paid timely and fairly, no matter where they work. And then the last that I have is according to Gartner 45 percent of payroll departments have increased their use of automation tools in the past 18yeah,and that almost 75 percent plan to continue doing so.absolutely. You have to. Yeah, you have to do it. It just makes sense to, they're tools, right? We just, I actually me and Walter supporting a series that we do, and we just kind of, I was telling folks, chat sheet PT for payroll, check out our partners, Career Learning and the great things they're doing, and, You it, I just use ChatGBT.
The paid version, I don't know how the free version works anymore. I've had the paid version for the 20 a month, nothing crazy. But just like how we were talking about the AI saturation, that's another one that we're gonna compare and contrast on our other tools to see if it's still worth it Does something else do it as good as another, but anywho I did ChachiBT, I believe the advanced reasoning model, and I was using it for a compliance check, and I, I wanted it to put the compliance for me together, I had every intention And I did cross check it against the states, but it makes it a little easier to see you do, and it was spot on, by the way, and I even told it to break down California for me by county or city and what, and it was spot on.I was double checking where I needed to and pressure checking and it was good, man. For payroll folks, I use it to write a communication that I needed. and the key to it is becoming a good prompt engineer. I mean, I think engineer is a big word, a good prompt person good at prompts, right?
Because engineer is come on, let's get crazy, let's not get crazy. So yeah, I think it's, I think, that's a layup, like payroll for, and the folks that I was talking to on, on the webinar was like, Oh man, this is dang, yeah, this is right. And, somebody had been recently promoted and they were like, you know what, I'm going to invest in this on my own.
Cause it's worth it for me. Absolutely. Invest in yourself, as we always say on this show. As far as anything you need to be better. One thing I want to throw out there, you were talking about stats and things. Please go check out. Our colleague, Pete Tiliakos, he is doing once again the payroll confidence survey this year
He surveys payroll professionals and he puts out the report back to the public for how payroll professionals are feeling about things.Me and you gotta take it, Walt. As we talk about it, it's open till March 30th, I believe. Pete's coming on the show, but Pete, I'm ahead of you, bro. I got you, man. I got your back. And I'll keep mentioning it until we have, I think we're going to have him on beginning of March.
And the survey closes for March 30th, I believe he said.Okay.And he needs all of us payroll pros to go take the survey to continue. Listen, he is, and he's like an advocate. He goes against the big guys, the big, Payroll softwares and pushes them to do better be better and deliver better products for us So shout out to pizza liacos keep doing what you're doing, man.
I got your back. We love You know go check out his his survey. Please go be a part. We got it We got to do it. You do it. We're all gonna do it. Man, it's a great show. We only went a little over. What else, man, we got everything.the last thing is the question of the day. How are you, sir, addressing the challenge of ensuring equitable pay and compliance in a hybrid work model?Yeah. I'm not doing anything for this yet, It's a great question. And I thought about, what was I thinking about as we were saying this? I just,Do you have employees where you're at now?yeah, we're hybrid. Yeah. The office I'm in now is hybrid. We work with three, two, and, yeah folks, we have a beautiful space and people still go in sometimes, Ford One, whatever. You're busy, you gotta go in. Sometimes you have little ones at home, and there's times when my little one's home from school and I'm like, I should've went to the office, because, bless her heart.
But it's a double edged sword, right? Because I get time with her when she's still small. I get time with my kids and, exposure to them that I would have never had before.Howmeans a lot.feel like that?Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.hey I need to harness that. And me just being home, those extra. The extra day orDay or two. Yeah. Yeah, it's a means a lot. Yeah, it's a game changer. Can't ensure equitable pay and compliance to hire, look I didn't even realize that folks were being If that's happening you paying price different pay different if you're in the same town in the same oh I'm gonna pay you this if you come into the office and that if you stay home the onlyNot necessarily that.Oh, I was going to say, because the only thing that you could legitimately argue is, hey, I'm saving you on the commute, so we're going to pay you a little bit less because of that.Yeah.That's the only legit, becausecall out, though. Yeah.that's the only thing, because if we're the same professional, we got the same skill set, same tenure, same experience, and oh I'm just going to reward people that come in, because that's how it is. What? Nah, come on.Yeah. So if there's favoritism and there's
Like that's kind of how I meant itright, and I know. Yeah,like I think.that's whack.Yeah, that'd be really whack. You know what I'm saying? And I think that, you have to navigate it as you can. And look, if you're in a hybrid work model, whether you're in a global scale or in the United States or whatever, tell us what you're doingOh, reach out. Yeah,to like, to stayDefinitely.model and Make sure there's equity in regards to pay and stuff like that.
Tell us an experience if you're not scared to say about it, if you're not going toOh no, you could do it anonymous. Hit it, hit us on the inboxes on LinkedIn. You could say, hey, I want to anonymously share this story about, we do anonymous all the time. A lot of folks are scared to share info with us because they, no, we're not gonna, call you out on anything. What we do is empower, right?
We love empowering other payroll pros to be better, give you a little bit of nugget, a little something to help you get better.
We.Brian, eat your lunch. Don't use his name.Don't use my name, because I'll eat your lunch.No, he won't.I know, you're right, I won't. You're right. You gotta check out the potluck. Everybody in the fam loved the potluck episode we did.Niceyes, they see the clips and they're like, Oh my gosh, you had us laughing with that and this, that. And I was like, you know the show's about payroll, right?Man's about to pay. About toIt's about your pay, not potluck.Yeah, bro. Yeah, man.Anywho. We love you folks. See you next time. We're gonna get into some good stuff. We're gonna start talking about next few shows, I think is Manual Checks 26 verse 24.
Some folks in, we didn't do 12. Not a lot of, People do 12 meaning pay frequency, right? We're gonna talk about pay frequencies. That's the only ones I remember. But yeah, Pete, we're gonna have Pete on soon. We're gonna have, I'm gonna have a friend of mine on and talk about challenging with nursing and how, like, how complicated his pay stub is.
So that might be a crossover episode. We'll share on both. Yeah, more to come, folks. We got plenty of things on the horizon. We're looking forward to 2025. Check us out on career learning. Check us out there on LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok. Where else we at? I think that's it. YouTube, everywhere.
Podcasts, heard. YouTubeYeah.podcasts. We're all over the place. Listen to Payroll. Listen to Paycheck. We gotcha. We got you covered. All right, folks. Oh, and share, please. And share. Spread the word. Tell a friend to tell a friend. All right peace. We love you.
Before we sign off here are a couple quick things Don't forget to follow. It's about payroll on LinkedIn and it's about your paycheck on Facebook and tick tockfor being part of our payroll community, and thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Until the next time, keep learning, keep growing, and most importantly, keep going.